Renovating: The Eco-Friendly Alternative To Building From Scratch

Many are opting to renovate existing buildings instead of starting from scratch, for both economical and environmental reasons. Because this allows you to use existing building materials, you end up saving a lot of money and building materials from being wasted in the long run. Having an eco-friendly building space can benefit its users in many ways, like reducing utility bills, with some local utility providers offering rebates for green updates as well. Considering reusing materials and repairing where possible, such as refinishing and repairing hardwood floors, giving your space character and saving you the cost of a full floor replacement. When opting to replace materials, choose sustainable materials that have been sourced responsibly for maximum impact. Shopping your materials locally can also help keep a renovation environmentally friendly. These are all ways to help upgrade your existing space the green way, while supporting local businesses and saving money.

Hardwood Floors & Sustainability

Hardwood floors are a great option if you are concerned about having an eco-friendly home. For example, opting to refinish your floors instead of replacing them can dramatically decrease a home’s carbon footprint. By choosing a quality hardwood floor and maintaining it properly you can also save large amounts of money in the long run. In terms of maintenance, hardwood floors are relatively easy to maintain and in return provide a beautiful and durable product. Additionally, hardwood flooring is produced from a renewable, natural source, making it a go to choice for many builders and homeowners looking to create a green building. Wood flooring is classified as a carbon neutral product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) because it continues to trap carbon even as a manufactured product. If you’re looking to make your home more eco-friendly, consider making the switch to hardwood floors today!